Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Ikea trips and the Temple
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Google Fun

City I was born in

Favorite Animal

Favorite Object
Favorite City

Favorite Food

Favorite Colour

Bad Habit

First Job

Future Job

Place I want to Visit

My Age
So there you go...essentially my life in random pictures. I'm just sorry I couldn't figure out how to make some of them bigger. Anyway I'm going to tag Kristi, Keah and Karen to give this a try. You'll be surprised just how much fun it is :)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Miss Hannah Banana...
Well I finally got to meet my niece Hannah today. She's pretty dang cute if I do say so myself, however I may be a bit biased :) After some serious finageling I was finally able to get a hold of Catherine and we agreed to meet up in Victoria park for a bit and I could come meet Hannah and Catherine (and her brother Chris, his wife Ann Marie and thier daughter Hailey). It was all some good times until the thunder storm hit. Thankfully Chris had some Umbrellas in his car and we took shelter until the worst of it passed. Hannah and Hailey were adorable and fun to watch, and it was good to actually sit down and talk with my soon to be sister in Law :)
Here's miss Hannah sitting under the Umbrella. She looks a lot like my dad in this picture. Catherine and I were joking that it's due to the lack of hair... Oh said none of us ever had any hair either until we were over a year.
This one might just be my favorite! We're both smiling (I couldn't seem to get any where Hannah would smile when the camera was actually taking pictures)
This is Catherine, Chris, Ann Marie, Hailey and Hannah. All Huddled under Umbrellas due to the Thunderstorm. Actually the rain felt really nice! :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wall of Shame...
I did however get an exciting piece of mail Today. My friend Jamie (yes I'm sure some of you know her) is getting married and she thoughtfully sent me a wedding invitation. I LOVE getting wedding invitations. It may seem weird as I really am not a fan of wedding receptions (all I have to say is anyone who's still single can probably relate) however I just LOVE wedding invitations. I don't know what it is about them. I love looking at all the different styles and types even if I can't go. That being said, my roomate and I have a board that we've affectionally named the wall of shame. (We're just Jealous.) After I put up Jamies wedding invitation I took a picture so that you could all see.
This particular board is about two seasons old...meaning invites from 2007 and 2008. The invites are 3 deep :) Everytime one of us gets a new wedding invitation we excitedly pin it to the board. And we ALWAYS notice when a new one goes up :) So yep, that's it. My news for the week. So if you're reading this and getting married, I would love an invite. Even if you don't really want me there :)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Palmyra Fun
The Pageant was just as cool as it always is, and then we had to go meet the rest of our group so that we could head over to the YSA dance at the Palmyra stake center. So we`re just standing there waiting and these two guys come over and ask if we`re YSA, to make a long story short they end up being from California, working in Long Island and my dear room mate offers them a ride to the dance. Yep, that's right we literally picked up some random California guys. Thankfully they were pretty cool. I wish I had of taken a picture, but well...they were random guys :)
The Dance was pretty good...lots of people there (many of them HCP cast members that had snuck out) and then we had to head out to the camp we were staying at. Just for all of you out there who may have to plan some YSA activity in the not pick a camp site an hour away from where your dance ends. Especially if no ones ever been there and it`s 2 in the morning, and if there`s anyone that has to get up at 6:30 to go to the temple the next morning...we got lost, and I went to bed at 4:30. Good times.
The next morning I was lucky enough to be able to do a session at the Palmyra Temple. It was BEAUTIFUL! There`s something really special about going to the temple in the place where it all began. (Just as a side note, if you ever go...try and get more then 2 hours of sleep the night before.) I absolutely love the temple, and I`m extremely grateful for the chance I had to go. There`s even a clear window that looks out over the Sacred Grove!
After the Temple we hit up the Sacred Grove. I have to admit it`s pretty much my favorite place to go in Palmyra. (Well, after the temple). It`s good to go see the frame house, and the log house, and the printing press, but nothing beats the grove. I absolutely love the feeling of peace you get sitting in there. I didn`t want to leave. I could have cheerfully stayed there all day!